Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tattoo Time!

So I got a tattoo yesterday! I am super pleased with how it turned out! It means soo much more to me than just some song lyrics. Any time I am having a hard time I always think to myself  "you just have to let it be, there is nothing you can do to change the unchangeable" so now I have a visual reminder for when I'm feeling down about something. :)

I am already thinking of ideas for the next tattoo! :) cant wait!! #slightlyaddicted

Birthday Party!!!

On the right hand side is the birthday boy!! Austin turned 5 years old this year and the ONLY thing he wanted was a "bob the builder"/ construction themed birthday party! Sooo.. thats what he got! :) 
I made these coloring books for putting in the loot bags.
These are all of the signs that we had placed around the party area!
More stuff that we had hanging up for decorations!
Contents of the goody bags! they also got to keep their hard hats, work belts, and the children got to win toy "tools" as prizes for the games me played :)
Hard hats and tool belts for when the children arrived at the party
I made this came myself, it was easy peasy!! chocolate cake, chocolate icing and the "dirt" is oreo cookie crumbs.
Austin using his "exacto knife" to open all his presents!
The party turned out really great!! I didn't get to take pics of the games that we played, but we played toss the bean bag into the back of the dump truck, and i had made "bricks" by painting old boxes and we had a game to see who could stack the "bricks" the highest! :) Another successful birthday party DONE!! now to start planning next years! LOL